Our Pledge to the roommate community

Truthfulness of the ads

Easyroommate will not keep outdated ads to artificially increase its database or misrepresent its content. We ask our members to tell us if they encounter an ad that is not current

Flagging of the ads

EasyRoommate will remove ads that are prohibited, vulgar or contrary to the spirit of sharing an apartment. Ads with wrong contact information will be removed as well. Members help will be greatly appreciated.

Service loyalty

Unlike most roommate services, every EasyRoommate member will be able to access the mails sent by premium members without necessarily having to be a premium member.

Respect of your privacy/Spam

EasyRoommate will not sell or divulge your personal information without your prior consent. EasyRoommate will always give you an opt out option to stop receiving EasyRoommate mails.

Data protection

EasyRoommate will always allow you to change your data at anytime.